Nativity Scene

By Laurie Stonehouse

Meeching Valley C.P School Nativity group picture taken in 1974 or 75.

I'm terrible for remembering names, but the ones that spring to mind are Laurie Stonehouse (yours truly), Paul Sherriff,Mark Thorne, Julie and Bridget Ripley, Janet Munster,Darren Newman?... er sorry that's it!

Can anyone help with the other names?

Photo:Meeching Valley Nativity Scene 1974/75

Meeching Valley Nativity Scene 1974/75

From private collection of Laurie Stonehouse

This page was added by Laurie Stonehouse on 12/03/2008.
Comments about this page

Stuart Robbins is front row left

By Yvonne Robbins
On 22/06/2014

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