Construction in 1968/71

By John Hills

The construction of tower section of the new Royal Sovereign Light was started in 1970 and completed in 1971.

A further image and more details of its construction can be found HERE.

Photo:Construction of tower. c1969

Construction of tower. c1969

Courtsey of Jenny White

This page was added by John Hills on 09/12/2017.
Comments about this page

This photo looks like the base section of the tower has been floated out from East Side beach, ready to be towed out to the Royal Sovereign site.

There are quite a few photos of the construction on Our Newhaven, including a rare one of the central section being tested in its raised position. Type 'royal sovereign' into the search box to find them.

And a good video here:


By Andy Gilbert
On 11/12/2017

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