Sports Day 1958

By Michael Jenner and Andy Gilbert

Photo:South Heighton School Sports Day, 1958

South Heighton School Sports Day, 1958

Michael Jenner

Michael Jenner has recently sent this photo to our friends at Newhaven Museum, but has given me permission to add it to Our Newhaven. The occasion is the school sports day and the date is confirmed as 1958.

Michael writes: "The names I can recall are: Front Row -left Robert Smith, and front row 3rd right Jacqueline Nicholas. Second row kneeling first possibly Alan Butler, 3rd left Derek Raycraft, 4th Angela White, 5th Jennifer Avis, 6th Susan Breach. Alan White with cup, right of him kneeling Jeffery Tucknott, ? Payne (Tom's brother). Back row 2nd left Helen Sharp, Daphne Smith? Lawrence Bulman, Janet Ellis, Tom Payne behind Michael Butler, who's left of Alan White with me right of him, behind me David Wood, next to me Colin Crosswait. With white hair Raymond Tucknott. Far right back row Carol White , left of her Denise White. These are the names I can recall (sorry if the spelling is wrong)."

Can you confirm any of these names or add some more? Are you in the photo and tell us more?



This page was added by Andy Gilbert on 25/11/2019.
Comments about this page

Colin Crosswait, was one of the boys we used to play around with. He lived in the houses opposite the new shop just back from the church. Didn't see much of him once I started work though. I seem to remember we went to Brands Hatch once with respective girlfriends.

By Terry Howard
On 26/11/2019

Having thought about it I  think Colin's surname is Crosthwaite. Happy to be corrected.

By Terry Howard
On 05/12/2019

I believe front row three along is Richard Tucknott, brother of Ray and Geoff.

By Paul Giles
On 29/11/2022

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